Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advocacy 08-26027 Module
Banking Law - LLM Module (08 26083) 08-26083 Module
Canadian Constitutional Law 08-24487 Module
Comparative Public Law NO_MODULE_CODE_3453 Module
Contemporary Issues in International Law and Globalisation 08-28772 Module
Criminal Law 08-26315 Module
Criminological Theory I 08-32412 Module
DLLLM Dissertation 09-34793 Module
Elements of Cyberlaw (08 25873) 08-37084 Module
Environmental Energy Law 08-25877 Module
Environmental Law (08 25048) 08-25048 Module
EU Criminal Law and Justice 08-24536 Module
Family Law I: Adult Relationships (08 22358 ) 08-22358 Module
French Legal Dissertation 08-19945 Module
Gender and the Law 08-29990 Module
German Law (08 21828 ) 08-21828 Module
Human Rights and Criminal Justice 08-24543 Module
Human Rights and Criminal Justice (08 22359 ) 08-22359 Module
Human Rights and Health Care Law 08-24519 Module
International and European Legal Responses to Terrorism (08 24573 ) 08-24573 Module
International Disputes And Dispute Resolution 08-28832 Module
International Humanitarian Law 08-24567 Module
International Trade Law 08-36079 Module
Introduction to German Law and Legal System (08 21306 ) 08-21306 Module
Land Law 08-26320 Module
Law and Language 08-32476 Module
Law of Obligations A: Law of Contract 08-21220 Module
Law of Obligations B: Law of Tort NO_MODULE_CODE_1844 Module
LC Contract Law 08-26314 Module
LC Criminal Law 08-29401 Module
LC Decolonising Legal Concepts 08-33100 Module
LC Foundations of International Law 08-33571 Module
LC Global Law and Globalisation 08-27948 Module
LC Law Justice and Ethics 08-33527 Module
LC Law of Contract 08-29400 Module
LC Public Law 08-26324 Module
LC Public Law 08-29403 Module
Legal communications and writing NO_MODULE_CODE_883 Module
Legal Connections 08-29098 Module
Legal Skills and Methods 08-28349 Module
Legal Systems of the World 08-29962 Module
LF A Critical Introduction to Law and Legal Skills 08-28022 Module
LF A Critical Introduction to Law and Legal Skills 08-36729 Module
LF A Critical Introduction to Law and Legal Skills (Dubai) 08-30443 Module
LH Advanced Criminal Law 08-38931 Module
LH Commercial and Tax Law 08-36082 Module
LH Contemporary Issues in International Law and Globalisation 08-37088 Module
LH Criminal Evidence 08-25551 Module
LH Dissertation on a Prescribed Legal Topic 08-22348 Module
LH Employment Law in Practice 08-30102 Module
LH Equality and Criminal Justice/Criminal Justice and Discrimination 09-37086 Module
LH French Legal Dissertation 08-36074 Module
LH International & European Economic Law 08-36077 Module
LH International Criminal Law and Justice 08-37085 Module
LH International Dispute Resolution 08-37087 Module
LH Law of Trusts & Equity 08-29952 Module
LH Law of Trusts & Equity 08-29951 Module
LH Law of Trusts & Equity for LLB for Graduates 08-29954 Module
LH Legal Foundations of the European Union for LLB for Graduates 08-29978 Module
LH Legal Theory for LLB for Graduates 08-29975 Module
LI Criminal Law for LLB for Graduates 08-29398 Module
LI Decolonising Legal Concepts for Graduates 08-33523 Module
LI Introduction to French Property Law I 08-33836 Module
LI Land Law 08-29884 Module
LI Law of Contract for LLB for Graduates 08-29397 Module
LI Law of Trusts & Equity 08-30293 Module
LI Legal Foundations of the European Union 08-29977 Module
LI Legal Foundations of the European Union 08-26323 Module
LI Legal Solutions 08-33567 Module
LI Legal Theory 08-29976 Module
LI Public Law for LLB for Graduates 08-29395 Module
LLB International Human Rights 08-20191 Module
LLB Legal Issues in Health Care Law 08-22361 Module
LLB Youth Crime and Youth Justice (09 24486 ) 09-24486 Module
LLM Commercial Conflict of Law 08-36753 Module
LLM Commercial Conflict of Laws 08-24515 Module
LLM Commercial Conflicts of Law (Dubai) 08-32560 Module
LLM Company Law 08-24531 Module
LLM Company Law (Dubai) 08-32563 Module
LLM Criminal Law Reform Now 08-32312 Module
LLM Financing of International Trade (08 24547 ) 08-24547 Module
LLM in Socio-Legal Methods NO_MODULE_CODE_745 Module
LLM Intellectual Property Law (08 25552 ) 08-25552 Module
LLM International Law of Human Rights 02-24520 Module
LLM Transnational Criminal Law (08 24546 ) 08-24546 Module
LM Assessment and financing of energy projects 08-38921 Module
LM Dissertation (DLW) 07-40113 Module
LM Dissertation on a Legal Topic 08-37748 Module
LM English and International Sales Law 08-35420 Module
LM Environmental and energy regulation 08-38926 Module
LM Environmental and energy regulation (DLW) 09-34794 Module
LM Environmental Protection and Pollution Control 09-40050 Module
LM Global Competition Law 08-32461 Module
LM Global Crime Problems 08-24504 Module
LM Global Trade Law and Policy 08-37751 Module
LM Intellectual Property Law 08-25049 Module
LM International Commercial Dispute Resolution 08-39841 Module
LM International Commercial Dispute Resolution 08-35421 Module
LM International Construction Law (Dubai) 08-35422 Module
LM International Corporate Governance 08-25053 Module
LM International Criminal Law and Justice 08-24550 Module
LM International Mergers & Acquisitions (Dubai) 08-35423 Module
LM International Oil and Gas Law 08-35424 Module
LM Introduction to Legal Research 08-37744 Module
LM Introduction to Legal Research 08-36075 Module
LM Issues in International Criminal Law and Justice 08-36081 Module
LM Law, Society and Governance 08-38927 Module
LM Public International Law 08-24554 Module
LM Race, Ethnicity and Criminal Justice 08-38046 Module
LM Regulating Technologies 09-35171 Module
LM Renewable Energy and Climate Change Law 08-38924 Module
LM Renewable Energy and Climate Change Law (DLW) 09-34800 Module
LM Sustainable Energy and the Environment 08-37745 Module
LM Transnational Financial Crime Law 08-39477 Module
Private International Law 08-28833 Module
Real Estate 09-30697 Module
Socio-Legal Theory 08-25585 Module
UG Counter-Terrorism Law (08 22355 ) 08-22355 Module
UG Public International Law 08-03530 Module
Undergraduates - Company Law (08 22354 ) 08-22354 Module

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