Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Practice 08-27074 Module
Advanced Practice: Individuals, Families, Communities 08-27076 Module
Development Across the Lifecourse 08-28588 Module
Dissertation 08-25957 Module
Dissertation (DL) 08-29714 Module
Enhancing Skills in Social Work Practice (08 25946) 08-25946 Module
Foundations of Higher Specialist Mental Health Practice 08-21785 Module
Help, Support, and Direct Work 08-29710 Module
Introductory Resources for Social Work Study NO_MODULE_CODE_4883 Module
Law for Professional Practice 08-25950 Module
Law, Policy, and Interagency Working 08-29711 Module
LC Effective Communication & Relationship Building Skills 08-39604 Module
LC Introduction to Learning and Professional Development 08-39612 Module
LC Law for Social Work Practice 08-39607 Module
LC Preparing for Professional Social Work Practice 08-39614 Module
LC Reflective Assessment & Intervention Strategies 08-39606 Module
LC Social, Political and Organisational Context for Social Work 08-39603 Module
LH Assessment, Independence and Risk in Social Care Practice with Adults 08-27340 Module
LH Developments in the Legislative Framework and Social Care Practice with Adults 08-27338 Module
LH Dissertation A 08-27005 Module
LH Dissertation B 08-27006 Module
LH Engagement and Support in Working with Carers in Social Care Practice with Adults 08-27339 Module
LH Practice Education: Stage 2 08-27315 Module
LH Safeguarding Adults in Social Care Practice with Adults 08-23895 Module
LH Working in Multi-Agency and Multidiscioplinary Context 08-23958 Module
LI Research for Evidence Informed Practice 08-25951 Module
LM Assessment, Independence and Risk in Social Care Practice with Adults 08-27344 Module
LM Critical Social Work Practice with Children, Families and Adults 08-39618 Module
LM Developments in the Legislative Framework and Social Care Practice with Adults 08-27342 Module
LM Dissertation 08-28600 Module
LM Journeys through the Life Course 08-39616 Module
LM Law and Social Policy for Social Work 08-39621 Module
LM Placement 2 08-27170 Module
LM Placement 2 (Step Up To Social Work) 08-28590 Module
LM Practice Education: Stage 2 08-27316 Module
LM Researching Professional Practice 08-06667 Module
LM Safeguarding Adults in Social Care Practice with Adults 08-23896 Module
LM Social Work in Practice: Context, Values and Skills 08-39624 Module
LM Social Work Skills Values and Approaches (Step Up to Social Work) 08-28591 Module
LM The Context of AMHP Practice: Models and Perspectives - Refresher 08-23762 Module
LM The Legislative Framework and Approved Mental Health Professional Practice 08-21791 Module
LM The Legislative Framework and Approved Mental Health Professional Practice Values - Refresher 08-23763 Module
LM Theory, Methods & Practice 08-34187 Module
LM Theory, Methods and Practice Placement 1 (Step Up to Social Work) 08-28592 Module
MA Social Work Skills, Values and Approaches 08-25930 Module
MA1 Social Identity, Citizenship and Social Work Practice 08-25931 Module
Mentoring and Assessing the Work of Other Mental Health Professionals 08-21795 Module
MHS Film Club NO_MODULE_CODE_7632 Module
Module Title LM Advanced Practice: Individuals, Families, Communities (Step Up to Social Work) 08-28587 Module
Organisations, Systems, and Leadership 08-29712 Module
Preparing for Approved Mental Health Professional Practice 08-21787 Module
Psychology and Human Development for Social Work 08-21706 Module
Psychology and Human Development for Social Work 08-30146 Module
Risk, Analysis, and Decision Making/Professional Judgement 08-29713 Module
SHI Film Club NO_MODULE_CODE_5687 Module
Social Issues and Social Policy for Social Work 08-29359 Module
Social Work Context (08 21708) 08-21708 Module
The Context of AMHP Practice: Models and Perspectives 08-21792 Module
Theory Methods and Practice Placements 08-25954 Module
Values, Assessment and Communication in Approved Mental Health Professional Practice 08-21789 Module

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