Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
A Medical Revolution? Society, Warfare and Disease from Crimea to Afghanistan 09-30899 Module
After Hitler: politics and society in (West) Germany during the Adenauer Era, 1945 - 1965 09-31029 Module
After the Mongols: Political Authority in Islamic Lands, 1200-1600 NO_MODULE_CODE_6006 Module
American Dreamers: Radicalism in the United States from 1776 to the present 09-32001 Module
Before Globalization? Afro-Eurasian World History, 500-1800 NO_MODULE_CODE_11578 Module
British Women and International Life since 1850 NO_MODULE_CODE_367 Module
Conflict, Nationalism, and Genocide in East Central Europe, ca. 1880 – 1953 09-32125 Module
Discovering the Middle Ages 09-25898 Module
Economics of War (09 24705) 09-24705 Module
Europe: Ideas, Realities, Perspectives NO_MODULE_CODE_519 Module
Eye of the Storm: Europe and the Second World War, 1930-1960 09-36060 Module
Feeding the World, Starving the Planet: Towards a Global History of Food 09-37803 Module
Foundations of American History to 1890 09-30570 Module
Foundations of the U.S. in the World, 1890-1980 (09 29062) 09-29062 Module
From Division to Unification: A History of (West) Germany 1945-2000 (09 23186) 09-23186 Module
From Riches to Rags: Britain in the World Economy since 1850 09-29027 Module
From the OSS to Snowden: The Historical Evolution of American Intelligence Agencies since 1945 09-31005 Module
Gender and Sexuality in the C20th United States 09-31019 Module
Give Me Liberty: The Meaning of Freedom in American History, 1776-1890 09-28982 Module
History Group Research: Sex and the City: Women’s Lives in Heian-era Japan NO_MODULE_CODE_5971 Module
Islamicate Empires: The Ottomans, Safavidis and Mughals in the Early Modern World 09-32134 Module
Kings, Conspirators & Revolutionaries 09-30893 Module
Land, Law, and Violence in the American West 09-30921 Module
LC People and Places B 09-33731 Module
LC Practice of Archaeology 09-33614 Module
LC The History of Africa and its Diaspora 09-36065 Module
LC United States History, 1865-2000 09-30571 Module
Learning to Read History 09-27297 Module
LF Empire, Migration and Diversity 09-36287 Module
LH Advanced Option: America at War: From the Civil War to the War on Terror 09-38799 Module
LH Advanced Option: Black Activisms in the US South: Power, Feminisms, and Black Lives Mattering from 1960-present 09-39783 Module
LH Advanced Option: Britain and her Soldiers: Society and the Army from the First World War to Afghanistan 09-38800 Module
LH Advanced Option: Faith and Fire: Religion and Rebellion in England from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I 09-38801 Module
LH Advanced Option: Feeling Politics in 20th Century Britain: Emotions and Politics in Britain From the Stiff Upper Lip to 😊 09-39784 Module
LH Advanced Option: History of Technology and Culture in the United States 09-38803 Module
LH Advanced Option: The Making of England, 850-1100 09-39785 Module
LH Autumn Advanced Option - History 09-24694 Module
LH Autumn Advanced Option: Conflict in the Modern Middle East 09-31972 Module
LH Autumn Advanced Option: Indigenous and Settler Histories 09-31975 Module
LH Autumn Advanced Option: ‘A Holiday from Reality’: A History of Drugs and Drug Use in the Modern Era 09-30992 Module
LH Crime and Punishment in China: Essays (B) 09-31831 Module
LH Crime and Punishment in China: Sources (A) 09-31838 Module
LH Facing the Fuhrer, the Duce and the Emperor: British Foreign and Defence Policies, 1931-1942: Essays (B) 09-31113 Module
LH Facing the Fuhrer, the Duce and the Emperor: British Foreign and Defence Policies, 1931-1942: Sources (A) 09-30956 Module
LH Game without Thrones: Saga Age Iceland c. 900-c. 1250: Essays (B) 09-31094 Module
LH Game without Thrones: Saga Age Iceland c. 900-c. 1250: Sources (A) 09-30909 Module
LH History Special Subject: Sources (A) 09-24699 Module
LH Special Subject: A History of the Tudors in 100 Objects A 09-32131 Module
LH Special Subject: Beauty, Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Body in Britain, c1680-1820: A 09-35001 Module
LH Special Subject: Beauty, Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Body in Britain, c1680-1820: B 09-35002 Module
LH Special Subject: Global Cities and Urban Lives, 1690-1914 B 09-37123 Module
LH Special Subject: Gunpowder, Treason and Plot: England under Elizabeth I and James I A 09-37956 Module
LH Special Subject: Gunpowder, Treason and Plot: England under Elizabeth I and James I B 09-37958 Module
LH Special Subject: People of the Aftermath: British Culture in the 1920s and 1930s A 09-30955 Module
LH Special Subject: People of the Aftermath: British Culture in the 1920s and 1930s B 09-31112 Module
LH Special Subject: Piracy, Plunder and Exploitation: English Exploration in the Tudor Period A 09-37126 Module
LH Special Subject: The Revolting Right: Conservative Activism in Post-war Britain A 09-30958 Module
LH Special Subject: Women and Social Movements in Brazil: A 09-35005 Module
LH Special Subject: ‘The Young Ones’: Youth, popular culture, and social change in twentieth century Britain A 09-39786 Module
LH Special Subject: ‘The Young Ones’: Youth, popular culture, and social change in twentieth century Britain B 09-39914 Module
LH Spring Advanced Option - History 09-24700 Module
LH Spring Advanced Option: Body Politics 09-32002 Module
LH Spring Advanced Option: Bread, Wine and Barricades: Freedom, Ecology and the Nature of Modern France 09-32031 Module
LH Spring Advanced Option: China in Revolution: China under Mao (1949-1976) 09-31020 Module
LH Spring Advanced Option: Experts, Scholars, and Spies: the Information Revolution in Early Modern Europe 09-32032 Module
LH Spring Advanced Option: Practicing Public History 09-37892 Module
LH Spring Advanced Option: Women Behaving Badly in Tudor and Stuart England 09-34974 Module
LH The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: Essays [B] 09-31840 Module
LH The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: Sources [A] 09-31842 Module
LH The World’s Largest Empire: The Mongols and China: Essays (B) 09-31098 Module
LH The World’s Largest Empire: The Mongols and China: Sources (A) 09-30913 Module
LHistory Special Subject: Essays (B) 09-24695 Module
LI American Empire: The United States and the World 09-29067 Module
LI Autumn Option: 1619 and the Making of America: A 400 Year History 09-36062 Module
LI Autumn Option: Radical Pieties: Militants, Martyrs and Mystics in Medieval Christianity and Islam 09-36061 Module
LI Autumn Option: Revolution, Nation, and the Global South 09-36057 Module
LI Autumn Option: The Global Cold War 09-35003 Module
LI Autumn Option: Tudor Terrors: inner worlds, hidden worlds, new worlds. 09-34998 Module
LI Autumn Option: ‘There is Black in the Union Jack’: An Introduction to Black and South Asian British History 09-30882 Module
LI Group Research 09-23513 Module
LI History in Theory & Practice B 09-33720 Module
LI Option: Confronting Colonialism: Histories of Empire in India and Ireland 09-38815 Module
LI Option: Crusading Societies in Medieval Europe 09-38816 Module
LI Option: Mass Culture and the Modern United States, 1877-1939 09-38818 Module
LI Public History 09-30693 Module
LI Research Methods A 09-33726 Module
LI Sources in History: Personal Documents 09-39805 Module
LI Sources in History: Possessions 09-39806 Module
LI Sources in History: Texts and Tales 09-39809 Module
LI Spring Option - History 09-23951 Module
LI Spring Option: From suffragists to ladettes: Feminisms and the women’s movement in modern Britain 09-37873 Module
LI Spring Option: Global History of Gender and Sexuality: Body, Work, and Citizenship 09-36059 Module
LI Spring Option: Society in the Viking World c.800-c.1100 09-30890 Module
Living in the Middle Ages 09-25896 Module
LM A Special Path? War, Peace and the Formation of Modern Germany (DL) 09-37955 Module
LM Activism, Politics & Protest in Contemporary Britain: Digital Histories (DL) 09-40085 Module
LM America at War 09-38824 Module
LM Approaches to Medieval Studies 09-23966 Module
LM Approaches to Medieval Studies DL 09-31405 Module
LM Autumn Option: Conflict in the Modern Middle East 09-31986 Module
LM Beauty, Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Body in Britain, c1680-1820 (Masters): A 09-34999 Module
LM Beauty, Blood, Sweat and Tears: The Body in Britain, c1680-1820 (Masters): B 09-35000 Module
LM Crime and Punishment in China: Essays (B) 09-31833 Module
LM Crime and Punishment in China: Sources (A) 09-31839 Module
LM Critical Histories of the Present 09-38714 Module
LM Facing the Fuhrer, the Duce and the Emperor: British Foreign and Defence Policies, 1931-1942: Essays (B) 09-31068 Module
LM Facing the Fuhrer, the Duce and the Emperor: British Foreign and Defence Policies, 1931-1942: Sources (A) 09-31028 Module
LM Global Histories: Comparisons and Connections 09-25655 Module
LM Global Histories: Comparisons and Connections (DL) 09-26117 Module
LM Global Strategy in the First World War 09-37948 Module
LM Globalisation since 1945 09-26120 Module
LM Good-bye to All That: Experiences and Representations of the First World War 09-37949 Module
LM Historical Approaches 09-38697 Module
LM Historical Methods 09-26119 Module
LM Home Fires Burning: Life on the Home Fronts during the First World War 09-37950 Module
LM Introduction to Early Modern History 09-28678 Module
LM Introduction to Early Modern History DL 09-36048 Module
LM Option: Black Activisms in the US South: Power, Feminisms, and Black Lives Mattering from 1960-present 09-39787 Module
LM Option: The Making of England, 850-1100 09-39838 Module
LM Research Skills: Methodology and Sources: First World War Studies 09-37952 Module
LM Sites and Sources in Modern British Studies 09-26697 Module
LM Spring Option: Bread, Wine and Barricades: Freedom, Ecology and the Nature of Modern France 09-32034 Module
LM Spring Option: China in Revolution: China under Mao (1949-1976) 09-30869 Module
LM Spring Option: Experts, Scholars, and Spies: the Information Revolution in Early Modern Europe 09-32035 Module
LM Tactics, Technology and Operational Art of the First World War 09-37953 Module
LM The Making of the World: Themes in Global History (DL) 09-26118 Module
LM Tudor Terrors: inner worlds, hidden worlds, new worlds. 09-36050 Module
LM Understanding Medieval Documents DL 09-31408 Module
LM Writing Early Modern History: Sources and Approaches 09-28681 Module
LM Writing Early Modern History: Sources and Approaches DL 09-36049 Module
MA West Midlands History NO_MODULE_CODE_1437 Module
Making the Modern U.S.: the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (Spring Term) NO_MODULE_CODE_8493 Module
Mass Society and Modernity, 1914-1945 (09 22237) 09-22237 Module
Medieval Warfare (DL) 09-31407 Module
Nationalism and Conflict in the Balkans and the Middle East 09-30898 Module
New Directions in Modern British Studies 09-26694 Module
New Directions in Modern British Studies DL 09-27854 Module
Pandora's Box: Europe and the First World War, 1900-1930 09-36064 Module
People and Places in the West Midlands, c. 1000- 1500 09-24816 Module
Practicing History B: Women and Gender in Late Imperial China NO_MODULE_CODE_2333 Module
Practising History (A): Skills in History 09-22609 Module
Practising History (B): Skills in History 09-22608 Module
Prophets, Rulers and Rebels of Early Islam 09-30848 Module
Public History 09-28897 Module
Real News/Fake News: Information and Propaganda from Gutenberg to Twitter NO_MODULE_CODE_6591 Module
Reformation, Rebellion and Revolution: the Making of the Modern World c.1500-1815 (09 22820 ) 09-22820 Module
Sources and Research Techniques for the Study of West Midlands History in the Medieval and Early Modern Periods 09-19243 Module
Sources and Research Techniques for the Study of West Midlands in the Modern Period 09-19920 Module
Special Subject: Treasure in Anglo-Saxon England NO_MODULE_CODE_431 Module
Terrorising History: Terrorism Motivation, Methods, and Mayhem 09-31034 Module
Terrorism in the USA: From the Klan to al-Qaeda to White Power NO_MODULE_CODE_2334 Module
The African-American Experience since 1945 09-12335 Module
The African-American Experience to 1945 09-29986 Module
The CIA and US Foreign Policy (09 20340) 09-20340 Module
The Desert War in North Africa (Group Research Project) NO_MODULE_CODE_13622 Module
The Lure of the Modern: China between tradition and modernity (09 30930) 09-30930 Module
The Making of the Contemporary World, Modern History c.1800 to the Present 09-29546 Module
The Making of the World: Themes in Global History 09-25654 Module
The US South: From Plantations ot NASCAR 09-28983 Module
Topics in History NO_MODULE_CODE_7159 Module
Training, Tactics and Technology in the British Expeditionary Force on the Western Front, 1914-1918 (09 18163 ) 09-18163 Module
Transforming the Region: Economy, Society and Politics in the West Midlands in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries 09-21062 Module
US History and Historiography 09-38718 Module
Warfare at Sea: from Armada to D-Day (09 31013) 09-31013 Module

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