Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Age of Empires 09-27256 Module
Akkadian Language 09-20809 Module
Ancient Near Eastern Mythology 09-31090 Module
Ancient Worlds 09-29028 Module
Archaic to Classical 09-30942 Module
Artefacts and Material Culture 09-27312 Module
Athenian Drama 09-27279 Module
CAHA languages NO_MODULE_CODE_4001 Module
CAHA Seminar for Social History 09-32024 Module
Cities and Monuments of the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean 09-27280 Module
Democracy and Empire 09-32014 Module
Early Civilisations (Western Asia) 09-08763 Module
Euripides 09-31081 Module
Field Archaeology 09-27258 Module
Gender in Byzantium II 09-20783 Module
Geographical Information Science and Spatial Analysis 09-20801 Module
Greek Mythology 09-27276 Module
Hellenistic Literature 09-29632 Module
Ideas, Ideals and Ideologies 09-32028 Module
Imperial Rome 09-27269 Module
Language Module: Egyptian Language 1 09-22060 Module
Late Roman Archaeology and Material Culture 09-40117 Module
LC Classics in the 20th and 21st Centuries 09-35011 Module
LC Greek World 09-33625 Module
LC Project A 09-33645 Module
LC Project B 09-33649 Module
LC Rethinking the Ancient World A: Mythology and Identity 09-33650 Module
LC Rethinking the Ancient World B: Other Voices 09-33651 Module
LC The Roman World 09-33653 Module
LC The Transformation of the Roman World, c.200-850 09-33689 Module
LC Understanding Archaeology 09-33693 Module
LH Face to Face with Egypt's Gods 09-32026 Module
LH Greek Texts 09-38814 Module
LH Higher Latin B 09-33674 Module
LH Humans and Environments 09-23536 Module
LH Introduction to Egyptian A 09-34715 Module
LH Introduction to Egyptian B 09-34716 Module
LH Roman Religion and its Limits 09-29675 Module
LH Seminar A: Ancient Greece and Modern Culture 09-34097 Module
LH Seminar B: Byzantium and Islam 09-34103 Module
LH Seminar B: Roman Society and Internal Conflict 09-34117 Module
LH Seminar III A: Monsters and the Supernatural in Antiquity 09-35015 Module
LH Seminar III: Catullus and His World 09-31088 Module
LH Seminar III: Early Greek Cult Practices 09-32016 Module
LH Special Subject A: (De)constructing the Romans 09-37882 Module
LH Special Subject A: Greek Epigram 09-37458 Module
LH Special Subject A: Performance Culture in the Ancient World 09-37889 Module
LH Special Subject B: Greek Epigram 09-37459 Module
LH Special Subject B: Performance Culture in the Ancient World 09-37808 Module
LI Advanced Latin A 09-33616 Module
LI Beginners’ Akkadian 1 09-32020 Module
LI CAHA Study Tour A 09-33621 Module
LI Classical Epic 09-27261 Module
LI Greek Texts 09-38823 Module
LI Human Remains: From Forensics to Display 09-28688 Module
LI Introduction to Ancient Egyptian A 09-27301 Module
LI Introduction to Ancient Egyptian B 09-27302 Module
LI Republican and Imperial Rome 09-36038 Module
LI Republican Rome: From the Gracchi to Caesar 09-28747 Module
LI Research Seminar A: Crisis and Empire 09-36915 Module
LI Research Seminar A: GIS and Virtual Worlds 09-36921 Module
LI Research Seminar A: Rhetoric at Rome 09-36936 Module
LI Research Seminar B: Crisis and Empire 09-36916 Module
LI Research Seminar B: Rhetoric at Rome 09-36937 Module
LI Seminar II: Environmental Archaeology in the Lab 09-31077 Module
LM Advanced Latin for Graduates B 09-36035 Module
LM Ancient Literary Genres 09-37119 Module
LM Archaeological Theory, Method and Interpretation 09-24902 Module
LM Egyptian Language 2 09-22062 Module
LM Greek Texts 09-38795 Module
LM The City Called Holy: Jerusalem from Rome to the Crusades c. AD 1- AD 1050 (DL) 09-37802 Module
LM The economies of the Late Roman, Byzantine and Frankish East 09-24886 Module
LM Towns, tombs, and temples: the archaeology of ancient Egypt 09-36040 Module
Love in Greek Literature 09-28093 Module
Martial NO_MODULE_CODE_610 Module
Meet the Greeks NO_MODULE_CODE_1262 Module
Pleasures of Rome NO_MODULE_CODE_11126 Module
Project A 09-14796 Module
Project A: Medusa NO_MODULE_CODE_5577 Module
Project B 09-15020 Module
Roman Society and Internal Conflict 09-32393 Module
Roman Women: Matrons and Monsters 09-28096 Module
Sparta 09-22891 Module
The Age of Cicero 09-27313 Module
The End of the Roman Republic and the Age of Augustus NO_MODULE_CODE_954 Module
Thinking Athenian 09-27272 Module
Understanding Ancient Societies (09 27278) 09-27278 Module
War, Peace and Diplomacy in the Roman World 09-30686 Module

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