Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Bilingualism and Multilingualism in the TESOL Classroom) 09-31656 Module
Business Discourse and Communication 09-31805 Module
Classroom Research and Research Methods 09-31225 Module
Clinical Linguistics 09-28696 Module
Corpus Linguistics 09-26587 Module
Corpus Linguistics NO_MODULE_CODE_405 Module
Corpus Linguistics Reference List NO_MODULE_CODE_5187 Module
Discourse Analysis 09-27753 Module
Discourse Analysis NO_MODULE_CODE_4567 Module
English Grammar 09-28743 Module
English Language Teaching (09 19606) 09-19606 Module
English Phonetics and Phonology 09-28742 Module
Functional Grammar 09-18153 Module
Fundamentals of Language - Sounds and Words 09-31569 Module
Fundamentals of Language: Grammar and Discourse 09-31570 Module
Global media 09-38661 Module
Health and Discourse 09-27613 Module
History of the English Language (09 22445) 09-22445 Module
Insights into Language Teaching 09-38081 Module
Language and New Media 09-28704 Module
Language and New Media (Distance Learning) 09-31224 Module
Language and Politics (09 24803; 09 24662) 09-24803 Module
Language and the Mind 09-26649 Module
Language Change 09-29697 Module
Language Teaching Methodology 09-17326 Module
LC Investigating Language A 09-33887 Module
LC Investigating Language B 09-33888 Module
LC Media History and Technologies 09-38656 Module
LC Professional Communication 09-33070 Module
LC Researching Digital Cultures 09-38657 Module
LC Researching Everyday Communication 09-38658 Module
LC Theories of Communication 09-38659 Module
LC Thinking, reading and writing at University 09-33072 Module
Learning and Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary 09-31794 Module
Lexis References NO_MODULE_CODE_7840 Module
LH A Common Language? English in the U.K. and the U.S.A. (and beyond) 09-31802 Module
LH Animal Communication and Language Evolution 09-32240 Module
LH Exploring Linguistic Diversity 09-28649 Module
LH Language Dissertation 09-26703 Module
LH Language Investigation 09-26704 Module
LH Narratives across Media 09-36984 Module
LI Corpus Linguistics 09-29974 Module
LI Data Skills for the Digital World 09-39274 Module
LI Language Acquisition and Literacy 09-34645 Module
LI Language Acquisition and Literacy 09-26651 Module
LI Language Education and Literacy 09-39771 Module
LI Media in the Workplace 09-38662 Module
LI Media, Culture and Identity 09-38663 Module
LI Professional Research Skills for Linguists A 09-33889 Module
LI Psycholinguistics 09-27523 Module
LI Stylistics 09-39769 Module
LI Writing for Money 09-38664 Module
LM Approaches to Grammar 09-38932 Module
LM Corpus Assisted Language Learning 09-29084 Module
LM Corpus Linguistics 09-28624 Module
LM Describing Language 09-14071 Module
LM Discourse Culture and Intercultural Communication 09-36208 Module
LM Discourses in a digital world (DL) 09-37747 Module
LM Globalisation and Language Education 09-37623 Module
LM Globalisation and Language Education 09-37746 Module
LM Issues in Intercultural Communication 09-31796 Module
LM Language, Power and Identity 09-38928 Module
LM Psychology of Language 09-31798 Module
LM Sociolinguistics 09-31799 Module
LM Using Literature to Teach English Language 09-34879 Module
MA Language and New Media (09 24661; 09 24805) 09-24661 Module
Multimodal Communication 09-24190 Module
Psycholinguistics (DL) 09-31162 Module
Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 09-14073 Module
Second language teaching learning (09 13615) 09-13615 Module
Sociolinguistics 09-26680 Module
Syllabus Design & Language Teaching NO_MODULE_CODE_5193 Module
Teaching Languages to Young Learners NO_MODULE_CODE_1548 Module
TESOL Micro-Credential Reading List (Future Learn) NO_MODULE_CODE_6555 Module
The Applied Linguistics 09-29973 Module
Theories of Language 09-28094 Module
Topics in English Language and Linguistics 09-28294 Module
Topics in English Language and Linguistics 09-28314 Module
Topics in English Language and Linguistics 09-18814 Module

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