Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Biomedical Sciences 03-40302 Module
Cancer and Stratified Medicine 02-27785 Module
Cardiorespiratory Physiology and Pharmacology 02-30821 Module
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences: Fundamental Principles (Dubai) 02-37718 Module
Cellular Biochemistry and Biology 02-27065 Module
Digestion and Renal Sciences 02-27069 Module
Digestion and Renal Sciences (Dubai) 02-37711 Module
Foundations of Neuroscience (Dubai) 02-37713 Module
Foundations of Pharmacology (Dubai) 02-37714 Module
Fundamentals of Life Science 02-27070 Module
Fundamentals of Life Science (Dubai) 02-37712 Module
Immunity and Infection 02-27786 Module
Immunity and Infection 02-37719 Module
LC Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences: Fundamental Principles 02-33690 Module
LC Cellular Biochemistry and Biology 02-39720 Module
LC English in the Biosciences 02-39722 Module
LC Fundamentals of Neuroscience and Pharmacology 03-39672 Module
LC Professional and Academic Development 03-39671 Module
LF Advanced Study Skills in Biological Sciences 02-38076 Module
LH Cardiovascular Diseases 01-38953 Module
LH Molecular Medicine - (Endocrinology of metabolic disorders) 01-33928 Module
LH Reproductive Medicine 02-33940 Module
LI Cardiorespiratory Physiology and Pharmacology 02-37722 Module
LI Developmental Biology 03-40325 Module
LI Neuroscience and Endocrinology 03-40303 Module
LI Neuroscience, Endocrinology and Reproduction 02-37724 Module
LI Stem Cells and Genetic Inheritance 02-37723 Module
Ll Personal Academic Development Year 2 01-37721 Module
LM Anatomy in the Clinical Environment 01-39059 Module
LM Embryological and Developmental Basis of Disease 01-39060 Module
LM Form, Function and Dysfunction 01-39064 Course
LM Precision and regenerative medicine 02-38638 Module
LM Project 01-39062 Module
Molecular and Integrative Pharmacology 02-38642 Module
Neuropharmacology 02-34294 Module
Stem Cells and Genetic Inheritance 02-30822 Module

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