Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Auschwitz in History and Memory (Semester Two) 09-28668 Module
Buddhism (09 26163) 09-26163 Module
Christmas and Ethical Consuming 09-29805 Module
Climate Change, Cataclysm, and Commentaries 09-30846 Module
Dissertation (Holocaust and Genocide) 09-26746 Module
Dissertation Preparation and Guided Reading 09-26745 Module
Doctorate in Practical Theology NO_MODULE_CODE_3178 Module
Feminism in the Muslim World 09-11049 Module
History of Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism 09-26075 Module
Intro to Sikhism 09-25114 Module
Introduction to Biblical Studies (09 24035) 09-24035 Module
Introduction to Islam (10 24034) 10-24034 Module
Introduction to the History of Christianity 09-24044 Module
Islam and the West 09-15061 Module
Islam in Europe 09-29931 Module
LC How do we know what (we think) we know about the Holocaust? 09-37635 Module
LC Introduction to the Study of Religion A 09-34017 Module
LC Introduction to the Study of Religion B 09-34018 Module
LC Lived Religions in Birmingham and Beyond A 09-33825 Module
LC Lived Religions in Birmingham and Beyond B 09-33829 Module
LC Political Theologies: Wealth, Race, Gender 09-35155 Module
LC The Bible and Global Challenges 09-31964 Module
LC Truth, Deception, and Ethics in Philosophy and Film 09-35157 Module
LH Ancient Roots of Yoga and Meditation 09-39956 Module
LH Atheisms: From Voltaire to Dawkins 09-30875 Module
LH Buddhism 09-39957 Module
LH Dissertation (Theology and Religion) 09-40179 Module
LH Gender, Sexualities and Religion 09-36089 Module
LH God and Money 09-36090 Module
LH God Beyond Borders: Building Interfaith Borders 09-36088 Module
LH Historical and Contemporary Debates on the Holocaust 09-37066 Module
LH Special Study - Autumn 09-24042 Module
LH Special Study - Spring 09-34865 Module
LH The Ethics of Character 09-29766 Module
LH Understanding and Countering Radical Islamic thought and practices 09-29771 Module
LH Visions of God in Christian Theology 09-35158 Module
LH-Dissertation 09-24094 Module
LI Boundaries of Truth in Christian Theology: Development and Content of Christian Doctrines 09-35139 Module
LI Critical Issues in Theology, Religion and Education 09-37672 Module
LI Dharmic Religions and Traditions 09-36086 Module
LI Dissertation Preparation 09-28288 Module
LI Evil in the Human Condition 09-40039 Module
LI Global Islam 09-36085 Module
LI Islamic Ethics 09-30847 Module
LI Religion and the Arts 09-34948 Module
LI Representations of the Divine 09-38203 Module
LI Special Study 09-24090 Module
LI Special Study - Spring 09-34866 Module
LI The Human Condition 09-33823 Module
Ll Christian Ethics 09-30876 Module
LM Approaches to the Study of Islam 09-36091 Module
LM Auschwitz in History and Memory 09-30159 Module
LM Conceptualising God in Christian Theology 09-36093 Module
LM Continental Philosophy of Religion: Selected Themes and Issues 09-37602 Module
LM Critical Thinkers of Modernity, Science, Society and Religion 09-36101 Module
LM Dissertation 09-33813 Module
LM Dissertation Preparation and Guided Reading 09-36094 Module
LM DL Research Methods in the Study of Religion 09-30268 Module
LM Faith Community Governance, Management and Administration 09-36893 Module
LM Gender, Sexualities and Religion 09-36095 Module
LM Hindu Approaches to Philosophy of Religion (DL) 09-38126 Module
LM Historical and Contemporary Debates on the Holocaust 09-25035 Module
LM Interfaith Relations and Issues 09-36099 Module
LM Law and ethics as theology in Christian and Muslim thought and practice 09-37849 Module
LM Leadership, Ministry and Service NO_MODULE_CODE_3912 Module
LM Mediaeval Arabic Thought 09-31402 Module
LM Organisational and Personal Development 09-36894 Module
LM Organisational Culture in Faith-Based Organisations 09-36895 Module
LM Political Philosophy in Theological Ethics 09-38945 Module
LM Religious Nationalism 09-29924 Module
LM Research Methods 09-36240 Module
LM Research Methods in the Study of Holocaust and Genocide 09-33810 Module
LM Special Study - Autumn 09-36104 Module
LM Special Study - Spring 09-36098 Module
LM Theological Reflection on Professional Practice 09-36896 Module
LM Theology and Economics 09-36100 Module
LM Understanding and Leading People 09-36897 Module
Placement-based Dissertation (Holocaust and Genocide) 09-26748 Module
Political islam 09-22841 Module
Politics in the Name of God 09-28794 Module
Practical theology: context, practice and performance 09-20966 Module
Religion and the Arts (09 24794) 09-24794 Module
Religion in Contemporary Global Politics 1 09-17424 Module
Religion in Contemporary Society (09 25111; 09 26018) 09-25111 Module
Religion in the Public Sphere 09-27863 Module
Research Methdods in Theology and the Study of Religion 09-23684 Module
Research Methods in Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies 09-29532 Module
Thealogy: TransgressiveTravels with the Goddess (09 24799) 09-24799 Module
Topics in Global Justice 08-30278 Module
Understanding and Countering Radical Islamic Thinking 09-28926 Module
Women in Islam (09 17452) 09-17452 Module
World Christianity (09 26676) 09-26676 Module

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