Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Challenges to Liberal Democracy in Europe 08-36016 Module
Chinese Foreign Policy 08-32526 Module
Comparative Politics 08-29356 Module
Conflict and Peace: Theory and Practice 08-36017 Module
Conflict, Statehood and Sovereignty in World Politics 08-29055 Module
Controversies in Contemporary Democracies: Comparative Perspectives (POLS 318) (08 22555 ) 08-22555 Module
Democracy and Democratization in Contemporary Europe (08 20918) 08-20918 Module
Diplomacy and Statecraft 08-32406 Module
Diplomatic History since 1945 (POLS 206) 08-20896 Module
Ethnic Conflict and Its Management 08-31376 Module
Fear, Co-operation and Trust in World Politics (POLS G505H) 08-27329 Module
Feminist Political Ideals 08-29303 Module
Gender and Sexuality 08-19221 Module
Gender in World Politics POLS 341 (08 22879 ) 08-22879 Module
Germany's Foreign Policy since the Cold War NO_MODULE_CODE_14856 Module
Global Capitalism and Migration, REES 314 08-27334 Module
Global Cooperation in practice 08-25941 Module
Global Environmental Governance (POLS G503H) (08 26173 ) 08-26173 Module
Global Governance 08-27732 Module
Globalisation and Governance 08-06687 Module
Globalisation, Capitalism and Welfare 08-32413 Module
Government and Society - Academic Writing NO_MODULE_CODE_6534 Module
International Negotiation 08-32529 Module
International Political Economy 08-33046 Module
International Politics of East Asia 08-31213 Module
International Relations of the Middle East 08-29292 Module
International Relations Theory 08-20900 Module
International Security 08-20903 Module
Introduction to International Relations Theory 08-32175 Module
Introduction to Political Theory 08-31384 Module
Issues in US Domestic Politics 08-23878 Module
Law, Politics and the International System 08-27837 Module
LC Debates in World Politics 08-34532 Module
LC Global Development Challenges I 08-34184 Module
LC Global Development Challenges II 08-34189 Module
LC Global History 09-34564 Module
LC Pathways to International Relations Research II 08-34010 Module
LC Politics as a Vocation I 08-34004 Module
LC Politics as a Vocation II 08-34005 Module
Left Parties and Protest Movements POLS 338 (08 22558) 08-22558 Module
LH China: State and Society 08-40163 Module
LH Contemporary International Political Economy 08-20911 Module
LH Corruption and Clientelism: Global Perspective 08-36018 Module
LH Dissertation 08-20905 Module
LH Environment and climate politics: from global to local 08-36020 Module
LH Global Security 08-36022 Module
LH Media, Politics and Public Opinion 08-37314 Module
LH Migration Diplomacy in the Middle East 08-31332 Module
LH Nationalism and Empires in Europe 08-31399 Module
LH Nationalism and Empires in Europe 08-31390 Module
LH Parties and Voters across the Globe 08-36025 Module
LH Politics of South Asia 08-40172 Module
LH Problems in World Politics (Independent Study) 08-29302 Module
LH Regionalism and the Global South 08-37823 Module
LH Rising Powers & Global Order 08-36026 Module
LH Social Justice and Politics 08-37824 Module
LH Statelessness and Citizenship 08-37825 Module
LH The Politics of Memory 08-40165 Module
LH The Politics of Protest and Dissent 08-37822 Module
LH Understanding Migration 08-36029 Module
LI Digital Democracy 08-40164 Module
LI History of Political Ideas: power, revolution and the state 08-37483 Module
LI International Political Economy 08-20895 Module
LI Political Ethics 08-40168 Module
LI Politics of Sustainable Development 08-37826 Module
LI Post-Colonial Britain: Race, Identity & Belonging 08-37828 Module
LI Quantitative Political Analysis 08-31391 Module
LI Race, Empire, and Modern Political Theory 08-32550 Module
LI Research Design 08-37482 Module
LI Russian Politics: From Revolution to Putin 08-36027 Module
LI The Politics of the European Union 08-37827 Module
LI US Politics 08-36023 Module
LM Approaches to Research on Government 08-34733 Module
LM China and the World 08-37829 Module
LM Contemporary Perspectives on Conflict 08-37489 Module
LM Contemporary Security Challenges 08-37485 Module
LM Dilemmas in International Relations 08-33015 Module
LM Diplomatic History 08-33038 Module
LM Dissertation 08-07949 Module
LM Doing Political Research 08-35201 Module
LM Fundamentals in Quantitative Research Methods 08-30625 Module
LM Gender, Peace & (In)security 08-37831 Module
LM Grand Strategy 08-40173 Module
LM International Relations Theory 08-33048 Module
LM The European Union and Global Politics 08-35208 Module
LM The Politics of NATO 08-35207 Module
Modern Sociological Theory 08-30177 Module
Nuclear Weapons in International Relations 08-32530 Module
Parliamentary Studies 08-32399 Module
Pathways to Research (Political/IR, I/II) NO_MODULE_CODE_8899 Module
Political Psychology of Conflict and Cooperation 08-28842 Module
Political Theory and Social Criticism 08-36019 Module
Politics and the State (POLS G34H) 08-23202 Module
Politics for a Changing World 11-27875 Module
Politics of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (POLS G2H) (08 23052) 08-23052 Module
Politics, Music and the Arts 08-29306 Module
POLS 100: Research Skills and Methods NO_MODULE_CODE_1010 Module
Postcolonial Britain: Race, Identity and Belonging NO_MODULE_CODE_2154 Module
Security Studies (POLS G22) 08-33051 Module
Sex, Death, Gender and (in)Security (POLS G13H) (08 23416 ) 08-23416 Module
Sociology of Everyday Life (08-30168) 08-30168 Module
Sociology of Health and Illness (SOC315) 08-25073 Module
Sociology of Personal Life 08-30185 Module
Strategy, leadership and foreign policy 08-36028 Module
The Diplomacy of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 08-27327 Module
Theories of Global Politics (08 29057) 08-29057 Module
Topics in British Politics 08-20912 Module
Understanding Brexit: Identity and Euroscepticism in Europe 08-31398 Module
Understanding Politics 08-26060 Module
US Foreign and Defence Policy 08-33053 Module
Varieties of Politics : the Comparative Politics of Parties, Institutions and Regimes (08 33016) 08-33016 Module

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