Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Art of Persuasion B: Philosophical Texts 09-33080 Module
Elements of Metaphysics 09-30074 Module
Ethics and Global Ethics 08-30277 Module
Ethics and Global Ethics (DL) 09-30661 Module
Experience and Reason: Early Modern Philosophy (09 26781) 09-26781 Module
Formal Logic (08 26771) 08-26771 Module
Global Bioethics (08 17542) 08-17542 Module
Human Rights 08-14515 Module
Just War 09-29256 Module
LC Foundations of Philosophy (Widening Horizons Module) 09-30144 Module
LC Introduction to the Psychology of Religion 09-38204 Module
LC Moral Problems: An Introduction to Applied Ethics 08-26773 Module
LC Philosopher's Toolkit A 09-33081 Module
LC Philosopher's Toolkit B 09-33084 Module
LC Problems of Philosophy A 08-33817 Module
LC Problems of Philosophy B 08-33820 Module
LC Reasons to Believe 08-32794 Module
LH Bodies and Beauty 09-30158 Module
LH It's About Time! 09-30950 Module
LH Reason and Belief 09-31431 Module
LH Social Justice 09-30837 Module
LI Buddhism 09-35216 Module
LI Feminist Philosophy 08-26782 Module
LI Philosophy of Mind and Language 08-36102 Module
LI Sex, Ethics and Philosophy 09-23955 Module
LI Sustainable Development: Climate, Culture, Society and Policy 09-37673 Module
LI The Ethics of Killing 08-26826 Module
LM Analytic Theology: Philosophy and Religions in conversation 09-37599 Module
LM Analytic Theology: Philosophy and Religions in conversation 09-37600 Module
LM Bioethics 08-27120 Module
LM Bioethics (DL) 09-27121 Module
LM Epistemology 08-23150 Module
LM Human Rights (Distance Learning) 08-37834 Module
LM Philosophy of Cognitive Science 08-23149 Module
LM Philosophy of Cognitive Science 09-23149 Module
LM Philosophy of Language 09-23155 Module
LM Philosophy of Mind 08-23148 Module
LM Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science 08-36139 Module
LM Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science (DL) 09-26058 Module
LM The Ethics and Aesthetics of Interpersonal Relations 09-37633 Module
LM Topics in Global Justice 09-30660 Module
Logics: Its Limits and Scope 09-26792 Module
Metaphysics (08 23151) 08-23151 Module
Nietzsche (09 26095 ) 09-26095 Module
Philosophy and Mental Health 09-27122 Module
Philosophy of Mathematics (09 26094 ) 09-26094 Module
Philosophy of Mental Health 09-30841 Module
Philosophy of Mental Health (Distance Learning) 09-36123 Module
Science and Nature 09-30886 Module
Speaking of Things (09 26763) 09-26763 Module
The Ethics and Politics of Climate Change (08 26780) 08-26780 Module
The History of Analytic Philosophy (08 26791) 08-26791 Module
The Mind-Body Problem (08 26762) 08-26762 Module
Topics in Philosophy of Religion 08-26825 Module

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