Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art 09-24997 Module
Composing for the Creative Industries A 10-39775 Module
Composing for the Creative Industries B 10-39776 Module
Eighteenth Century Counterpoint 10-19888 Module
Eighteenth Century Counterpoint 10-19889 Module
Fieldwork Methods 10-31618 Module
Introduction to Global Popular Musics 10-31619 Module
LC Music and Ideas I 09-37492 Module
LC Music and Ideas II 09-37493 Module
LC Music and its Cultures I 09-37490 Module
LC Music and its Cultures II 09-37491 Module
LC Solo Performance 10-37578 Module
LC Tonal Harmony and Counterpoint 1 10-31581 Module
LC Tonal Harmony and Counterpoint 2 09-31582 Module
LH American Experimental Music 09-18646 Module
LH An Introduction to Music Therapy 10-28317 Module
LH Black Music in Britain 09-37022 Module
LH British Music Renaissance 1880 - 1914 09-21890 Module
LH Classical Composition 10-30764 Module
LH Electronic Music Studies 10-29010 Module
LH Fieldwork Methods 10-39405 Module
LH Film Music Techniques and History 09-30260 Module
LH From Glinka to Glazunov 10-17935 Module
LH Gustav Mahler: The Philosophy of Music 09-30834 Module
LH Introduction to Jazz Styles: 1920 to 1980 10-27205 Module
LH Introduction to Sound Recording 10-23583 Module
LH Local Musicking in Asia 10-30114 Module
LH Music and Gender 09-37031 Module
LH Music and Globalisation 10-28581 Module
LH Music Education 09-31052 Module
LH Music Festivals 10-29056 Module
LH Music in the Weimar Republic and Third Reich 10-23585 Module
LH Paper Composition (Independent Study) 10-22643 Module
LH Ralph Vaughan Williams and his World 10-31927 Module
LH Sonic Alchemy: Live Electronic and Mixed Music Ensemble 10-39407 Module
LH Sounding Image 10-28347 Module
LH Special Subject Paper Composition 10-23479 Module
LH Special Subject Solo Performance 10-23480 Module
LH Special Subject Studio Composition 10-23478 Module
LH Studio Composition (Independent Study) 10-22644 Module
LH The Blues 09-24206 Module
LH The Broadway Musical from Show Boat to Sondheim 10-29015 Module
LH The Symphony: Prestige and Politics 10-37045 Module
LH Vienna: Study of a Musical City 10-37659 Module
LI American Experimental Music 09-18645 Module
LI Black Music in Britain 09-37023 Module
LI British Music Renaissance 1880 - 1914 09-21889 Module
LI Classical Composition 10-30765 Module
LI Critical Musicology 09-25657 Module
LI Electronic Music Studies 10-29011 Module
LI Film Music Techniques and History 09-30262 Module
LI From Glinka to Glazunov 10-17934 Module
LI Gustav Mahler: The Philosophy of Music 09-30833 Module
LI Introduction to Jazz Styles: 1920 to 1980 10-27206 Module
LI Introduction to Music Therapy 10-28319 Module
LI Introduction to Sound Recording 10-23578 Module
LI Local Musicking in Asia 10-30115 Module
LI Music and Gender 09-37030 Module
LI Music and Globalisation 10-28580 Module
LI Music Education 09-31047 Module
LI Music Festivals 10-29058 Module
LI Music in the Weimar Republic and Third Reich 10-23590 Module
LI Ralph Vaughan Williams and his World 10-31928 Module
LI Solo Performance 09-37762 Module
LI Solo Performance I (Exchange Students) Semester 1 09-36293 Module
LI Solo Performance I (Exchange Students) Semester 2 09-36294 Module
LI Sounding Image 10-28348 Module
LI The Blues 10-24280 Module
LI The Broadway Musical from Show Boat to Sondheim 10-29016 Module
LI The Symphony: Prestige and Politics 10-37046 Module
LI Vienna: Study of a Musical City 10-37660 Module
LM Advanced Performance 1 10-31594 Module
LM Advanced Performance 2 10-31595 Module
LM Advanced Studies in Electroacoustic Composition 1 10-31596 Module
LM Advanced Studies in Electroacoustic Composition 2 10-31597 Module
LM Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art 09-24995 Module
LM British Music in Performance 10-39404 Module
LM Music as Critical Practice 10-39395 Module
LM Music Employability 10-39396 Module
LM Music Scholarship and Bibliography 09-34906 Module
LM Performance Skills 1 10-31591 Module
LM Performance Skills 2 10-31592 Module
LM Recital 10-24591 Module
LM Recital with Commentary 10-28411 Module
LM Sonic Alchemy: Live Electronic and Mixed Music Ensemble 10-39408 Module
LM Sound Studies 09-38732 Module
LM Topics in Early Music 09-35137 Module
Music Analysis 09-25658 Module
Music and Emotion 10-30768 Module
Music Cognition 10-31917 Module
Solo Performance 09-22028 Module
Studio Composition 10-11042 Module
Studio Composition 10-23574 Module

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