Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
American Art in the 1960s (09 26758) 09-26758 Module
Art, Architecture and Design in Fin-de-Siécle Vienna (10 24000 ) 10-24000 Module
Beauty, Truth and Goodness 10-29107 Module
Contemporary Art and Home 09-30798 Module
Contemporary Art and Masculinity 09-29705 Module
Debates and Methods in the History of Art (10 25149) 10-25149 Module
Defining British Art 09-30275 Module
Department of Art History Curating and Visual Studies Resource List NO_MODULE_CODE_7613 Module
Dissertation (MA History of Art) 09-18431 Module
Exhibition Cultures 09-31755 Module
Global Art and Cultural Studies 09-29922 Module
Historical Concepts in History of Art 10-25340 Module
LC A History of Art in 20 Objects A 09-33074 Module
LC A History of Art in 20 Objects B 09-33075 Module
LH An Unnatural History: Animals in Modern Western Art 09-30794 Module
LH Berlin 1890-1933: Symphony of a (Great?) City 10-28863 Module
LH Dissertation (short) - History of Art 10-18557 Module
LH Fashioning Flesh and Technology: Modernism and the Body in Germany 1918-1933 09-28455 Module
LH Image as Witness 09-37034 Module
LH Inside Out: Interior and Interiority in French Art, Design and Culture 1840-1940 10-28862 Module
LH Joint Honours Link Dissertation 09-28531 Module
LH Long History of Art Dissertation 10-18563 Module
LH Michelangelo 10-28861 Module
LH Paris Moderne 1850-1930: Image, Concept, Femininity 09-28443 Module
LH Queen City of Europe: Art, Culture and Commerce in Sixteenth-Century Antwerp 10-30824 Module
LH Queer Art From Britain Since 1957 NO_MODULE_CODE_8913 Module
LH Rodin Reconsidered 09-37032 Module
LH Sculptural Experiments in Britain, 1837-1901 10-28859 Module
LH Sound and Vision: Word, Music, Image 1860-Now 09-34893 Module
LH Women and Artistic Culture in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period 09-08450 Module
LH ‘Islamic’ Aesthetics in Art 09-37657 Module
LI Art History in the Field: Overseas Study Trip 10-24005 Module
LI Craft: Practices, Concepts, Activism 09-37038 Module
LI Cross-Cultural Cinema: Beyond the Nation-State 09-31138 Module
LI Impressionism and After: Art and Society in Late Nineteenth-Century France 09-26713 Module
LI Inside the Gallery: Curating an Exhibition 09-34891 Module
LI Renaissance Art in Italy and the Netherlands c.1400-60 10-24004 Module
LM An Unnatural History: Animals in Modern Western Art 09-30796 Module
LM Approaches in Curating 10-40432 Module
LM Art on Display (DL) 10-40229 Module
LM Berlin 1890-1939: Symphony of a (Great?) City 09-28868 Module
LM Criticism and Methods in the History of Art and Visual Culture 09-28635 Module
LM Curatorial Practices A 09-33094 Module
LM Curatorial Practices B 09-33095 Module
LM Curatorial Project 10-40435 Module
LM Current Approaches in Art History (DL) 10-40227 Module
LM Current Approaches in Curating (DL) 10-40230 Module
LM Enterprising Culture 10-29021 Module
LM Fashioning Flesh and Technology: Modernism and the Body in Germany 1918-1933 09-28447 Module
LM Inside Out: Interior and Interiority in French Art, Design and Culture 1860-1940 08-28869 Module
LM Made in Birmingham. Art and Urban Space 09-37017 Module
LM Michelangelo 09-28870 Module
LM Paris Moderne 1850-1930: Image, Concept, Femininity 09-28442 Module
LM Postgraduate Research Training and Methods A 09-24889 Module
LM Rodin Reconsidered 09-37033 Module
LM Sculptural Experiments in Britain, 1837-1901 09-28872 Module
LM Sound and Vision: Word, Music, Image 1860-Now 09-34894 Module
LM Women and Artistic Culture in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period 09-28457 Module
LM ‘Islamic’ Aesthetics in Art 09-37658 Module
Making Culture: New Ways of Reading Things ( 11-30802 Module
Object and Medium 1: Paintings, Drawings, Prints, Sculptures 10-27106 Module
Object and Medium 2: Photography, Film, Performance and Installation (10 27109) 10-27109 Module
Placements: Art History in the Field (09 27370) 09-27370 Module
Political Art 09-31897 Module
Post-War: Art in Britain after the Second World War 10-30805 Module
Postcolonial Readings of the Contemporary Art NO_MODULE_CODE_1494 Module
Power, Society, Politics: Religious Art in Northern Europe, c. 1450-1600 (09 24247) 09-24247 Module
Prague, Budapest, Cracow: art, architecture and politics in Central Europe, 1867-1918 09-28451 Module
Real and Ideal 10-24003 Module
The Pre-Raphaelites: Contexts, Approaches and Reputations 10-28858 Module
Turning the Pages: Manuscripts and Print, Past and Present 10-28857 Module
Victorian Art and the British Empire 10-28855 Module
Writing Arts Histories I 10-30269 Module
Writing Art’s Histories II 10-30270 Module

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