Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Building Foundations for Team Effectiveness NO_MODULE_CODE_1491 Module
Delivering System Wide Coordinated Care NO_MODULE_CODE_8720 Module
Health and Health Care Policy (07 02978; 07 16532 ) 07-02978 Module
Health Service Managemet (07 02837) 07-02837 Module
Innovation and Improvement 08-37663 Module
Intake 16 Module 4 - Delivering system wide coordinated care NO_MODULE_CODE_1400 Module
Intake 16 Module 5 - Creating engaging and learning cultures NO_MODULE_CODE_4006 Module
Intake 16 Module 6 - Evaluating my leadership behaviours and impact NO_MODULE_CODE_1402 Module
Intake 16 Module 7 - The healthcare leadership case study NO_MODULE_CODE_1401 Module
Intake 25 Module 2 - Building foundations for team effectiveness NO_MODULE_CODE_1403 Module
Intake 25 Module 3 - Making sense of values, engagement & service delivery (DL) NO_MODULE_CODE_2179 Module
LH Improving quality and patient safety 01-28809 Module
LH Leadership and Change Management 01-28810 Module
LM Digital Healthcare 07-37312 Module
LM Emergency Preparedness, Response & Resilience 08-39890 Module
LM Global Health System and Policy (Dubai) 08-39892 Module
LM Global Health Systems and Policy 08-40671 Module
LM Governance, policy and regulation in health organisations 07-37311 Module
LM Health Service Management 08-37941 Module
LM Health Service Management 07-37583 Module
LM Implementation Science (Dubai) 08-39893 Module
LM Improvement and Innovation 08-37945 Module
LM Leadership & Change 08-37584 Module
LM Leadership and Change 08-37661 Module
LM Leadership and Improvement 01-39066 Module
LM Leadership and Management in Global Health 08-39894 Module
LM Leadership in Practice 08-31229 Module
LM Leading and Developing People 08-31558 Module
LM Learning for Leadership 08-35093 Module
LM Participation, Involvement and Engagement 08-37669 Module
LM Policy Evaluation 08-22563 Module
LM Quality and Safety 08-37587 Module
LM Strategic Planning 08-37670 Module
LM Strategic Planning 08-37586 Module
LM Strategic Planning (Dubai) 08-39896 Module
Module 1 - Understanding and developing leadership practice (DL) 08-26227 Module
NLA Module 3 - Organisational Sense Making (08 26230) 08-26230 Module
NLA Module 6 - Evaluating My Leadership Behaviours and Impact (08 26235) 08-26235 Module
Quality and Safety 08-37667 Module
The context for clinical leadership (DL) 08-35907 Module
Understanding Organisational Performance (08 31561) 08-31561 Module

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