Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
21st Century British Theatre: New Writing 09-29415 Module
Advanced Acting 09-28998 Module
Advanced Practical Intensive: Playwriting (09 27401 ) 09-27401 Module
Applied Theatre and Performance Praxis 10-38782 Module
British Theatre 10-29000 Module
Contemporary Practice 10-27424 Module
Dance Theatre 09-30675 Module
Gamification: Approaches to Pervasive Performance Making 09-30676 Module
Gender in Theatre and Performance: The Queerest Art 09-29612 Module
Immersions and Interactivity in Performance 10-34882 Module
LC Engaging Performance 10-33519 Module
LC Engaging Performance 2 10-37842 Module
LC Landmarks in Theatre and Performance 10-33521 Module
LC Studio Practice 10-33528 Module
LC Theatre & Performance Practice 10-33532 Module
LC Theatre Crafts 1 - Production Allocation 09-33886 Module
LC Theatre Crafts 1 - Production Arts 09-33885 Module
LH Alexander Technique for Performers 10-38068 Module
LH Blood and Guts: Spectacles of the Body 10-36196 Module
LH Experience Design: Approaches to audience activation, inclusion and participation 10-39919 Module
LH Victorian Drama 09-25042 Module
LI Approaches to Acting 10-37836 Module
LI Approaches to Acting 09-37850 Module
LI Engaging Audiences 10-39920 Module
LI Performance and Identity 09-34877 Module
LI Performance Lab 10-37843 Module
LI Politics, Crisis and Performance 10-36198 Module
Live Art and Contemporary Peformance 09-27842 Module
LM Alexander Studies, Wellbeing and Performance 1 10-38136 Module
LM Communities and Cultures 10-38138 Module
LM Digital Performance Practices 10-38140 Module
LM Independent Performance Project 10-38148 Module
LM Performance Ethics and Economies 10-38139 Module
LM Performing the Political Body 10-38141 Module
LM Praxis: Practical & Embodied Research Methods 10-38147 Module
Performance and Nation 09-30683 Module
Performance: Theory, Practice and Critique 10-28563 Module
Playwright's Theatre 10-26004 Module
Popular Music as Performance 09-30684 Module
Popular Performance 09-23271 Module
Practical Project in Drama 09-27324 Module
Production Module 10-21887 Module
Texts in Rehearsal 10-18145 Module
The Art of the Actor 09-24779 Module
The Creative Industries 09-21545 Module
The Dark Comedy (09 23272) 09-23272 Module
Theatre Crafts 2 09-23643 Module
Theatre-Performance Lab 10-27780 Module
Tragedy (09 27045) 09-27045 Module

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