Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Conflict and Development 07-30272 Module
Conflict and Development (DL) 07-30271 Module
Development in Practice 07-23086 Module
Development in Practice (DL) 08-32410 Module
Development Politics 08-20138 Module
Development Politics (DL) 07-23947 Module
Development Theory and Practice (Undergraduate) 07-27657 Module
Disability and Development 08-30565 Module
Disability and Development (DL Version) NO_MODULE_CODE_5422 Module
Gender and Development 07-21528 Module
Governance and State-building 07-30566 Module
IDD Postgraduate Research NO_MODULE_CODE_9861 Module
International Development 07-30282 Module
International Development (DL) 08-32409 Module
LC Introduction to International Development 07-34559 Module
LC Politics of Development 08-34438 Module
LH African Politics 08-34426 Module
LH Development Politics 08-23880 Module
LH Development: The Environmental Challenge 08-34584 Module
LH Human Rights and Development 08-34592 Module
LH Identity, Inequality and Inclusive Development 08-34593 Module
LI Economics Perspectives on Development 08-34586 Module
LI Governing States and Societies 08-34589 Module
LI Understanding development assistance 08-34446 Module
LM AI and Sustainable Development 08-40109 Module
LM AI for Global Challenges 08-40110 Module
LM Democracy, Dictatorship and Development 08-36014 Module
LM Development Cooperation Beyond Aid 08-30281 Module
LM Development Policy and Politics 08-30273 Module
LM Dissertation 07-07943 Module
LM Dissertation (Distance Learning) 07-30601 Module
LM Environment and Sustainable Development 08-30295 Module
LM Human Resource Development Policy 08-32398 Module
LM Human Resource Management and Development 08-30567 Module
LM Making Policy 07-08345 Module
LM Non-governmental Organisations and Development 08-32404 Module
LM Public Management and Leadership 08-22633 Module
LM Public Sector Reform 08-30294 Module
LM Research for Public Policy and Management 08-38614 Module
LM Social Analysis of Poverty and Development 07-21323 Module
NGOs in a Changing International Context 07-30291 Module
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (Campus) 07-22529 Module
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (Distance) 07-23948 Module
Poverty and Inequality: Interventions and Approaches 07-30292 Module
Public Economic Management 07-02816 Module
Rural Poverty and Development 07-20781 Module
Urban Poverty and Policy 07-02877 Module
Working in Development 08-34448 Module

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