Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Perspectives on Africa (09 16280) 09-16280 Module
African Popular Culture (09 20436; 09 20437) 09-20436 Module
African Studies & Anthropology 09-38038 Module
Anthropology of Africa 09-28904 Module
Atlantic Slavery (09 22695 ) 09-22695 Module
Contemporary Gender Issues in Africa 09-16281 Module
Focus on Studying Societies (09 22659 ) 09-22659 Module
From Colony to Nation: Ghana 1874-1966 09-28015 Module
Kinship, Gender and Sexuality 09-29604 Module
LC Anthropologists at Work 09-38695 Module
LC Around the World with Anthropology 09-38696 Module
LC Introduction to African Culture 09-24292 Module
LC Introduction to African Development 09-33701 Module
LC Introduction to African Politics 09-37070 Module
LC Studying Societies: Social Anthropology 09-38897 Module
LC Writing Worlds: Ethnography as Craft 09-37968 Module
LH Anthropology and/of Activism 09-39832 Module
LH Anthropology of Islam 09-31885 Module
LH Anthropology of Migration 09-31404 Module
LH Anticolonial, Postcolonial, Decolonial 09-37917 Module
LH Ethnographies of the Marginalised 09-29673 Module
LH Gender and Colonialism in African History 09-37921 Module
LH New African Writing 09-23567 Module
LH Religion and Ritual 09-28072 Module
LH Slavery and Freedom in Twentieth-Century Africa 09-28671 Module
LH The Anthropology of Tomorrow 09-38811 Module
LH Theory and Ethnography 09-20749 Module
LH Urban Anthropology 09-31887 Module
LI Africans in the Global Diaspora 09-30662 Module
LI Aid, NGOs and Development 09-17887 Module
LI Anthropology and/of Activism 09-39836 Module
LI Anthropology of Islam 09-31886 Module
LI Anthropology of Migration 09-31403 Module
LI Anticolonial, Postcolonial, Decolonial 09-37918 Module
LI Development in Africa 09-37920 Module
LI Ethnographies of the Marginalised 09-29674 Module
LI Gender and Colonialism in African History 09-37923 Module
LI New African Writing 09-23566 Module
LI Political Anthropology 09-35012 Module
LI Religion and Ritual 09-28073 Module
LI Research in Practice 09-33702 Module
LI Slavery and Freedom in Twentieth-Century Africa 09-28670 Module
LI The Anthropology of Tomorrow 09-38821 Module
LI The Social Life of the Economy 09-24822 Module
LI The Struggle for Zimbabwe: Nationalism, Liberation and the International Community Since the Cold War 09-39835 Module
LI Urban Anthropology 09-31888 Module
Livelihoods and Development in Africa 09-25910 Module
LM African Fiction and its Critics 09-16282 Module
LM Slavery and Freedom in Twentieth-Century Africa 09-28675 Module
LM Urban Africa 09-37072 Module
LM Zimbabwe since the Cold War: Decolonisation, Liberation and the International Community 09-39977 Module
Modern Ghana 09-25911 Module
Research Skills and Methods in African Studies 09-16278 Module
Social Life of the Economy 09-24821 Module
Theory and Ethnography 09-24291 Module
Thinking Anthropologically: An Introduction 09-18770 Module
Urban Encounters: Anthropology in Birmingham 09-38037 Module

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