Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
BSc Public Health - Year 1 NO_MODULE_CODE_6709 Module
Economic Evaluation in Health Care 08-07860 Module
Epidemiology, Statistics and Research Methods 02-21812 Module
Health Economics 07-08157 Module
Health Protection 02-31406 Module
Introduction to Health Economics 07-02957 Module
Introduction to Leadership and Management for Health 07-26552 Module
LM Applications of Clinical Medicine for the Physician Associate 01-36992 Module
LM Clinical Practice for the Physician Associate 01-36967 Module
LM Economic Models and Human Genomics 01-27603 Module
LM Epidemiology, Statistics and Research Methods 02-37781 Module
LM Foundations of Clinical Medicine for the Physician Associate 01-36958 Module
LM Fundamentals of Public Health and Health Improvement Practice 02-39053 Module
LM Health Improvement 02-37778 Module
LM Health Protection (MPH) 02-37777 Module
LM Health Protection and Healthcare Public Health 02-39054 Module
LM Healthcare Public Health 02-37779 Module
LM Mixed Methods Research Design 02-37943 Module
LM Physician Associate Dissertation 02-29552 Module
LM Practical Epidemiology and Statistics 02-37776 Module
LM Speciality Medicine & Clinical Competency for the Physician Associate 01-36956 Module
LM Systematic Reviews and Evidence Synthesis 02-37775 Module
Modelling for Health Economics 07-22346 Module
PEHD: Policy and Economics of Health Care Delivery 07-22343 Module
Qualitative Research Methods 02-08147 Module
Respiratory Medicine in Secondary Care 01-33212 Module
Respiratory Medicine in the Community 01-33200 Module
Sociology and Social Policy 08-08158 Module
Statistics for Health Economics II 02-24973 Module
Systematic reviews and evidence synthesis 02-26723 Module

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