Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Atomic Physics (03 23559 ) 03-23559 Module
Biological Nanomachines (03 22176) 03-22176 Module
Chaos and Non-Linear Systems A and B (03 17483; 03 20835) 03-17483 Module
Classical Mechanics and Relativity 03-19748 Module
Classical Mechanics and Relativity 2 (03 17272 ) 03-17272 Module
Condensed Matter Physics (03 01123 ) 03-01123 Module
Condensed Matter Physics (03 21655 ) 03-21655 Module
Current Topics in Particle Physics (03 17305 ) 03-17305 Module
Electromagnetism 2 (03 00953 ) 03-00953 Module
Electromagnetism, Temperature and Matter (03 19750 ) 03-19750 Module
Electronics 03-17489 Module
Evolution of Cosmic Structure 03-24347 Module
Experimental Particle Physics Techniques 03-17306 Module
Fission and Fusion (03 01349 ) 03-01349 Module
Fission and Fusion (03 14991 ) 03-14991 Module
Images and Communication (03 17302 ) 03-17302 Module
Images and Communications (03 17714 ) 03-17714 Module
Inference from Scientific Data (03 23560 ) 03-23560 Module
Introduction to Astrophysics (03 20521 ) 03-20521 Module
Introduction to Particle Physics and Cosmology (03 17484 ) 03-17484 Module
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics (03 00539 ) 03-00539 Module
LC Introduction to Data Science 03-39886 Module
LC Introduction to Probability and Statistics 03-33961 Module
LC Mathematics for Physicists 1B 03-34462 Module
LC Physics and Communication Skills 1 03-00976 Module
LF Mechanics 03-35242 Module
LF Mechanics 03-34694 Module
LF Mechanics 03-37560 Module
LF Mechanics 03-34675 Module
LF Science & Engineering Laboratories 03-35244 Module
LF Science & Engineering Laboratories 03-23616 Module
LF Waves 03-35246 Module
LF Waves 03-37561 Module
LF Waves 03-34676 Module
LF Waves 03-34701 Module
LH Complex Variable Theory 06-06205 Module
LH Particle Physics 03-19780 Module
LH Radiation Protection, Dosimetry and Shielding 03-25926 Module
LH/LM Physics Critique 03-17476_03-01205 Module
LI Modern Optics 03-22748 Module
LI Nuclear Physics and Neutrinos 03-17301 Module
LI Particles and Nuclei & A Quantum Approach to Solids 03-26017 Module
LM Applied Data Science for Learning Environments 03-37057 Module
LM Communicating Design Stories 03-37058 Module
LM Complex Variable Theory 06-18779 Module
LM Design and Design Thinking 03-37059 Module
LM Innovation Toolkit 03-35152 Module
LM Nuclear Instrumentation, Radiation Protection, Reactor Systems and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle 03-33140 Module
LM Nuclear Radiation, Dosimetry and Shielding, and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle 03-33160 Module
LM Perspectives on Learning 03-37061 Module
LM Physics of Renewable Energy PHYS-39189 Module
LM Practical Skills for Reactor Physics A 03-33164 Module
LM Quantum Optics 03-24318 Module
LM Radiation Transport, Materials Science and Reactor Control 03-33154 Module
Many Particle and Quantum Field Theory (03 01114 ) 03-01114 Module
Mathematics for Physicists 1A 03-34459 Module
Mathematics for Physicists 2 (03 12497 ) 03-12497 Module
Nanophotonics (Year 4) 03-28571 Module
Net Zero Together NO_MODULE_CODE_9817 Module
Neutrinos NO_MODULE_CODE_751 Module
Nuclear Physics (03 21462 ) 03-21462 Module
Observational Astronomy 03-29882 Module
Observational Cosmology (03 00716 ) 03-00716 Module
Observational Cosmology (03 19915) 03-19915 Module
Particles and Nuclei & Nuclear Physics 03-26253 Module
Particles and Nuclei and a Quantum Approach to Solids NO_MODULE_CODE_4513 Module
Phase Transitions (03 21283 ) 03-21283 Module
Physics Laboratory 1A 03-34455 Module
Physics Nobel Prize 2016 NO_MODULE_CODE_8873 Module
Physics Teaching in Schools 03-19123 Module
Quantum Mechanics + Optics and Waves (03 19718 ) 03-19718 Module
Quantum Mechanics 2 03-17273 Module
Quantum Mechanics 3 (03 00498 ) 03-00498 Module
Quantum Mechanics 4 (03 00672 ) 03-00672 Module
Reactor Materials 03-16369 Module
Special Relativity, Probability and Random Processes (03 19749 ) 03-19749 Module
Statistical Physics and Entropy 03-17296 Module
Superconductivity (03 17307) 03-17307 Module
The Life and Death of Stars (03 21826 ) 03-21826 Module
Theoretical Physics Projects 03-18807 Module
Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases 03-30033 Module

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