Browse Department

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A.J. Morris Group Reading List NO_MODULE_CODE_9371 Module
Airframe Design and Flight Dynamics 04-32781 Module
Biomaterials 04-18510 Module
Biomaterials (04 17191) 04-17191 Module
Design Against Failure 04-17678 Module
Design for Structural Applications 04-31174 Module
Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Alloys and Applications 04-22388 Module
Functional Materials 04-18511 Module
Human Factors in Aerospace 04-36862 Module
Irradiation Materials Science 04-27866 Module
LC Design for Functional Applications 04-31175 Module
LC Fundamentals of Materials Science 04-31173 Module
LC Introduction to Mathematics for Materials 04-29367 Module
LC Non-crystalline Materials I 04-31176 Module
LF Group Project 04-34671 Module
LF Group Project 04-35248 Module
LF Individual Project 04-34670 Module
LF Materials 03-34672 Module
LF Materials 03-35421 Module
LF Stats and Data 03-34673 Module
LF Stats and Data (Dubai) 04-34700 Module
LH Advanced failure analysis and Characterisation 04-31195 Module
LH Aerospace Power Systems 04-35311 Module
LH Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Analysis for Aerospace 04-35390 Module
LH Flight dynamics and control 04-35313 Module
LH High Toughness Ceramics 04-17190 Module
LH Materials for Challenging Environments 04-31198 Module
LI Airframe Design and Flight Dynamics B 04-34078 Module
LI Airframe Design and Flight Dynamics B 04-36854 Module
LI Fracture, Fatigue and Degradation A 04-34056 Module
LI Non-crystalline Materials 2 04-31188 Module
LI Nuclear Physics & Nuclear Power 04-31189 Module
LI Physical Materials Science A 04-34065 Module
LI Physical Materials Science B NO_MODULE_CODE_2551 Module
LI Space Systems Engineering and Design 04-32551 Module
LM Advanced Polymer Systems 04-24362 Module
LM Battery Technology and Manufacturing 04-38121 Module
LM Nuclear Fuel Cycles, Life Extension and Nuclear Waste 04-28745 Module
LM Reactor Physics 04-35122 Module
LM Space Environment 04-33300 Module
LM Space Propulsion and Power Systems 04-38703 Module
LM Spacecraft Mechanical Design 04-38911 Module
LM Surface Engineering 04-24369 Module
Materials for Sustainable Environmental Technologies (MSET) 04-17684 Module
Net Shape Manufacturing 04-17688 Module
Physical Materials Science 04-31181 Module
Physical Metallurgy (Titanium and Nickel) 04-21929 Module
Polymer Science and Soft Matter 04-18515 Module
Sensors and Composites 04-21364 Module
Surface Engineering 04-17690 Module

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