Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Structures and Design (04 25427 ) 04-25427 Module
Construction Management 04-16196 Module
Engineering Earthworks 04-28853 Module
Engineering Production and Risk Management in Construction 04-20474 Module
Financial Decision-Making 07-14508 Module
Foundation Engineering 04-26246 Module
Ground Investigation 04-27094 Module
LC Integrated Design Project 1A 04-33246 Module
LC Integrated Design Project 1A 04-33283 Module
LC Integrated Design Project 1B 04-33282 Module
LH Surface and Groundwater Hydrology 04-34300 Module
LH Water Transmission and Treatment 04-34304 Module
LI Geotechnical Engineering 1 04-29651 Module
LI Materials Engineering 1 04-29653 Module
LI Structural Engineering 1 04-29654 Module
Ll Water Engineering 1 04-29655 Module
LM Advanced Project 04-34666 Module
LM Advanced Topics in Railway Engineering 04-34507 Module
LM Business and People Management 04-34518 Module
LM Construction Management 04-37844 Module
LM Engineering Production and Risk Management in Construction 04-37269 Module
LM Geotechnical Engineering 3 04-29657 Module
LM Infrastructure and Rolling Stock Systems 04-34514 Module
LM Materials Engineering 3 04-29659 Module
LM Railway Operations, Management and Planning 04-34513 Module
LM Sustainable Construction 04-32674 Module
LM Synoptic Engineering 04-26927 Module
Modelling Concepts and Tools ( 04 21830) 04-21830 Module
Rail Infrastructure Engineering 04-26931 Module
Railway Management and Control 04-31380 Module
Road Asset Management 04-17835 Module
Road Economics and Financing 04-25970 Module
Rolling Stock and Infrastructure Interactions 04-26310 Module
Seismic Engineering 04-26640 Module
Slopes and Retaining Structures 04-26247 Module
Soil mechanics 04-19733 Module
Structural Engineering 3 04-28465 Module
Structural Engineering Practice 04-26925 Module
Sustainable Construction 04-20470 Module
Terminology and Communication for Railways 04-29964 Module

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