Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Electrochemical Applications 04-26226 Module
Advanced Reactors and Thermodynamics 04-33126 Module
Advanced Transport Processes 04-20545 Module
Bench to Market 04-18526 Module
Bioscience for Graduates from Other Scientific Disciplines 04-18520 Module
Bioseparations 04-19768 Module
Business and Strategy Development 04-31632 Module
Cell Factories 04-21317 Module
Chemical NanoEngineering 04-26512 Module
Chemistry and Materials 04-32471 Module
Design and Development of Drug Delivery Systems 04-18527 Module
Design Project (0417133) 04-17133 Module
Efficient use of Energy 04-32463 Module
Energy Economics 04-21169 Module
Energy Storage 04-32458 Module
Energy Systems Modelling 04-31268 Module
Engineering of food 04-32469 Module
Fermentation and Cell Culture 04-26220 Module
Food Control 04-26443 Module
Food Fraud 04-27439 Module
Food Microbiology 03-14426 Module
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology 04-26222 Module
Introduction to Healthcare Technologies 04-32465 Module
Introduction to Transport Phenomena (1ITP 04-33534 Module
Introduction to Transport Phenomena 1 and 2 04-33535 Module
Investigating Food Borne Outbreaks 04-29679 Module
LC Labs and Data Analysis 1 04-34037 Module
LC Labs and Data Analysis 2 04-34042 Module
LC Modelling Concepts and Tools 1 (MCT 1) 04-33565 Module
LC Modelling Concepts and Tools 2 (MCT 2) 04-33580 Module
LC Process Design and Analysis 1 04-33510 Module
LC Process Design and Analysis 2 04-33512 Module
LF Science and Engineering Skills 04-23619 Module
LI Process Engineering Fundamentals 04-19298 Module
LI Reactors, Catalysis and Thermodynamics 04-32470 Module
LM Advanced Biomaterials for Healthcare Technologies 04-32446 Module
LM Advanced Therapeutic Medicine Products 04-32445 Module
LM Applied Synthetic Biology 04-32444 Module
LM Energy Systems and Policy 04-31267 Module
LM Energy Systems Design 04-34391 Module
LM Food Chain Security 04-23638 Module
LM Food Processing and Manufacture ‎(Thermal Processing) 04-32832 Module
LM Food Safety Management Systems 04-32830 Module
LM Frontiers in Tissue Engineering 04-32433 Module
LM Fuel Cell Technologies 04-37607 Module
LM Future Engineering of Food 04-33110 Module
LM Hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels 04-36871 Module
LM Industry 4.0 and Big Data 04-34534 Module
LM Introduction to Industrial Project Management 04-31163 Module
LM Leadership and Collaboration 04-39379 Module
LM Major Project 04-23113 Module
LM Managing and improving projects in organisations 04-39393 Module
LM Managing execution for flow 04-39388 Module
LM Measurement, Sensors and Design of Experiments 04-34536 Module
LM Non Ideal Materials 04-34538 Module
LM Novel Food Processing 04-32831 Module
LM Projects, Systems, and Control 04-39383 Module
LM Purpose and Planning 04-39378 Module
LM Renewable Energy Systems 04-31566 Module
LM Sustainable Cooling and the Cold Chain 04-37627 Module
Mass heat and momentum transport 04-17125 Module
Modelling Concepts and Tools ( 04 21830) 04-21830 Module
Multiphase Systems 04-23624 Module
Petrochemical Engineering 04-26504 Module
Plant Optimisation 04-26506 Module
Principles of Nutrition (04 27443) 04-27443 Module
Process Integration and Unit Operations 04-17126 Module
Process Systems and Principles of Process Control 04-28467 Module
Processing for formulation 04-23627 Module
Product design exercise 04-17128 Module
Project Management (Business Strategy Delivery) 04-31634 Module
Reaction, Equilibria and Thermodynamics 04-29496 Module
Sustainable Process Engineering 04-31633 Module
Water and Health 04-29680 Module

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